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2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Herer are some best photographs from the National Geographic,2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest. Submit your photos in any or all of these four categories: Travel Portraits; Outdoor Scenes; Sense of Place; and Spontaneous Moments.

Above: Walk With Me
Photo and caption by Douglas Croft/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Portrait of One Chilled Out Kangaroo
Photo and caption by Graham McGeorge/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Portrait of an Eastern Screech Owl
Photo and caption by Graham McGeorge/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
One Mother's Love
Photo and caption by Graham McGeorge/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest.
2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
King of the Penquins
Photo and caption by Nancy Dowling/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Taken at Booth Island in Antarctica.

Mount Erebus Ice Cave
Photo and caption by Alasdair Turner/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

The Power of the Criollo
Photo and caption by Chris Schmid/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

The Galactic Squid
Photo and caption by Cameron Knudsen/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

Photo and caption by Joshua Holko/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
.2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

Ghostly Waterfall
Photo and caption by Charlotte Ralph/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

Barranco Camp at Night, Kilimanjaro
Photo and caption by Trevor Booth/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

Iceberg Beauty
Photo and caption by Nancy Dowling/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Brilliant color reflected in an iceberg.
2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest 

Door to Hell
Photo and caption by Priscilla Locke/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
2013 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest website


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