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Spiders, Flies and Wasps Photography By Colin Hutton

Spiders, Flies and Wasps Photography By Colin HuttonPhotographer Colin Hutton, 29, has created stunning portraits of the world's most overlooked animals, pictured, including spiders, wasps, bees, common flies, and beetles.
Photographer Colin Hutton, 29, has created stunning portraits of the world's most overlooked animals, pictured, including spiders, wasps, bees, common flies, and beetles. The images are made using a powerful macro lens and can be incredibly hard to achieve because of the quick movements of the creatures. He also photographed weevils, pictured. Many weevils are damaging to crops.
Spiders, Flies and Wasps Photography By Colin HuttonA mystaceus spider
A mystaceus spider
The images are made using a powerful macro lens and can be incredibly hard to achieve because of the quick movements of the creatures.
Colin, from North Carolina in the U.S, scours local parks to find the insects but will

Spiders, Flies and Wasps Photography By Colin HuttonThe red back salamander, pictured, is a small terrestrial salamander usually found in forested areas under rocks and logs across eastern North America,
The red back salamander, pictured, is a small terrestrial salamander usually found in forested areas under rocks and logs across eastern North America, west to Missouri, south to North Carolina, and north from southern Quebec and the Maritime Provinces in Canada to Minnesota. They are also known as the eastern red backed salamander or the northern red back salamander depending on where they are found. Adults grow between 5.7 and 10 cm in length
Spiders, Flies and Wasps Photography By Colin HuttonThe larvae of a Spicebush Swallowtail. This larvae becomes a common swallowtail butterfly found in North America, also known as the Green-Clouded butterfly.
The larvae of a Spicebush Swallowtail. This larvae becomes a common swallowtail butterfly found in North America, also known as the Green-Clouded butterfly. The wingspan of a Spicebush Swallowtail ranges from nine to 10cm
Colin, who has just finished a degree in environmental science, said: 'I originally planned to focus on reptiles and amphibians but I soon realised how many insects are out there.

Spiders, Flies and Wasps Photography By Colin HuttonThe name of the Chalcid wasp, pictured, comes from the Greek for 'copper' because of their metallic colour.
The name of the Chalcid wasp, pictured, comes from the Greek for 'copper' because of their metallic colour. There are said to be around 22,000 known species of chalcids and each eat the eggs or larvae of other insects as food. As a result, the wasps keep crop pests under control and many species have been imported into regions for this reason

Spiders, Flies and Wasps Photography By Colin HuttonThese small to medium-sized skimmers are known as Erythrodiplax minuscula, or dragonlets.
These small to medium-sized skimmers are known as Erythrodiplax minuscula, or dragonlets. They are found in the eastern United States, Argentina and Columbia. The insects reach a length of up to 2.7cm and its wings are almost as long, at 2.1cm. Young dragonlets are a green-brown colour, left, while the adults are predominantly ash blue, right
The robber fly has spiny legs and stiff bristles on its face called the mystax, from the Greek mystakos meaning 'moustache' or 'upper lip'. Adults grow to around 1.5 cm in length.
Spiders, Flies and Wasps Photography By Colin Hutton
This image shows a Rambur's forktail damselfly. The robber fly, pictured right, is also called an assassin fly.


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