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Rayban House on Front of a beach

Rayban House on Front of a beachalejandro dacosta flows rayban house directly onto beachoffering uninterrupted views of the pacific coast, the ‘rayban house’ by californian design studio alejandro dacosta flows directly onto its beachfront location. the project emerged after living on the site for a year and getting to know the environmental conditions. the land itself provided many challenges, it is subject to constant winds and intense sun reflections due to its exposed position. the main idea was based on creating an outdoor living space that was able to be habitable throughout the seasons.
the terrace is protected from the wind by two lateral mounds that are part of the existing topography

Rayban House on Front of a beach

Rayban House on Front of a beach
the built structure is connected to the natural topographic mounds

overview of the the outdoor living spaces that flow directly onto the shoreline

Rayban House on Front of a beach
the house was built using recycled and natural materials

the landscape design was also developed using recycled or found plants

Rayban House on Front of a beach
looking past the site towards the surrounding cliffs

Rayban House on Front of a beach
the kitchen has a large wooden table in the center

Rayban House on Front of a beach
he bedrooms are located in the underground part of the building

Rayban House on Front of a beach

the architect at the front door


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