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Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History

Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
Today, may 13th, 2016, the excelsior hotel gallia, a luxury collection hotel, celebrates its one year anniversary since its grand opening. designed in 1932, the accommodation situated in the heart of milan — neighbouring the city’s central station — has been completely renovated by renowned architect marco piva, who has transformed the architectural jewel of the belle Ă©poque era, into a new destination in the fashionable italian city.

in above photo excelisor hotel gallia façade
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
katara suite – master bedroom
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
katara suite – living room
 Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
katara suite – pagoda private SPA
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
katara suite – terrace
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
design suite – bedroom 
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
design suite – living room
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
design suite – living room
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
gallia suite – bedroom
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
art suite – living room
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
atelier suite – bathroom
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
gallia lounge and bar
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
gallia lounge and barExcelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
cigar room
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
indoor swimming pool
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
rooftop bar and restaurant
Excelsior Hotel Gallia Designed by Marco Piva is an Expression of Milanese History, Style and Eleganceexcelsior hotel gallia milano marco piva the luxury collection designboom
approach to the excelisor hotel gallia 
all images courtesy of excelsior hotel gallia, a luxury collection hotel, milan

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