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BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling

BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling autonomous and fully connected BMW motorrad VISION NEXT 100 motorcycle
The BMW motorrad ‘VISION NEXT 100’ concept motorcycle is the latest design for future of motorcycling and according to me this is realy brilliant design but when i was searching about the BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 mostly people says that ''marketing genius showing a rider riding without helmet, what were you thinking about BMW.Think before showing stupid things like that ! Safety riding ? No better to have a sexy chick on a bike, great idea and great example for the youngest viewers. not cool, not cool at all'' And also anotheer review on this design ''That's dumb. First of all, this new motorcycle without helmet will still get all the bugs in your face, as well as the occasional woodpecker (I'm speaking from experience here.) Secondly, you are not wearing a seatbelt, so if you flip over a left-turner, you can still crack your skull open on the pavement. You don't wear a helmet because a motorcycle can flip over, you wear it because you don't have a cage around you.''

And ''ikes stand for machoism just like Barbies stand for feminism. I found the use of a woman in a bike ad very disconcerting. You don't see a male in a Barbie cosplay, do you? Get your shit together BMW. Stop being so PC. And don't even dare to call me a misogynist.I'm just stating what everyone is too afraid to say.'' i really laugh on these comment i hope you will but here are the photos of this brilliant design i hope you will like it.
BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling bmw-motorrad-vision-next-la-presentation-designboom-001
the bike itself is designed to evoke nostalgic thoughts of BMW two-wheelers of the past
all images courtesy of the BMW group
BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling bmw-motorrad-vision-next-100-designboom01
the naked-bike style has outward-facing handle joints

BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling bmw-motorrad-vision-next-100-designboom02
the motorbike is equipped with a zero-emissions powertrain

the polished aluminum finish of the engine cover is dynamic and moves outward during use

BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling bmw-motorrad-vision-next-100-designboom04
aerodynamics have been added around the rider’s legs 

BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling bmw-motorrad-vision-next-100-designboom05
the riding lights are integrated into the futuristic frame
 BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling 

BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling
the BMW motorrad ‘VISION NEXT 100′ concept
video courtesy of BMW motorrad

 BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling 
the BMW motorrad VISION NEXT 100 shows few joints and no visible bolts, screws, springs, or shocks 
BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling bmw-motorrad-vision-next-100-designboom07
the concept motorcycle keeps the rider in control
safety concerns are first and foremost in the design
BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling bmw-motorrad-vision-next-100-designboom09
no protective clothing, not even a helmet, is required by the rider as the assistive systems will keep them safe
BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling bmw-motorrad-vision-next-100-designboom10
the integrated windshield protects the rider at speed and also acts as a heads-up display of information
BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 Motorcycle The future of Motorcycling bmw-motorrad-vision-next-la-presentation-designboom-002
preliminary sketches

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