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Seven Best Wonders of the Modern World

Seven Best Wonders of the Modern World
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
We all know about the seven wonders of the worlds. But we do not know where they come from. If we want to see we should go back to ancient Greece which is called Themata.. Many writers wrote about it. In 225 BC a mathematician Philo of Byzantium wrote a book which title is “the seven sights of the world”.
In these amazing sights only the Great Pyramid at Giza still exists. A lot of people voted for these sights which touch all corners of the world. . That is amazing seven sights of the world which are incredible. There are a lot of things to see and people were travelling in Greece. In 2007, many new sites were revealed. Its famous organization is ''New seven wonders foundation''.
7 Ancient Wonders of the World
HANGING GARDENS OF BABYLONHanging Gardens of BablyonSTATUE OF ZEUS AT OLYMPIA, GREECEStatue of Zeus Ancient WonderTEMPLE OF ARTEMIS AT EPHESUSTemple of Artemis ReconstructionMAUSOLEUM AT HALICARNASSUSMausoleum at HalicarnassusCOLOSSUS OF RHODESLIGHTHOUSE AT ALEXANDRIA, EGYPTWhat are the 7 Wonders of the WorldMOUNT EVERESTSeven Wonders of the Natural World - Mount EverestGREAT BARRIER REEFSeven Wonders of the Natural World - Great Barrier ReefVICTORIA FALLSWhat are the Seven Wonders of the Natural World - Victoria FallsGRAND CANYON
Seven Wonders of the Natural World Grand CanyonNORTHERN LIGHTSSeven Wonders of the Natural World - Northern LightsPARÍCUTINSeven Wonders of the Natural World - ParicutinGUANABARA BAYSeven Wonders of the Natural World Rio de Janeiro HarborTAJ MAHAL7 Wonders of the World - Taj Mahal
GREAT WALL OF CHINAGreat Wall of China - Seven Wonders of the WorldCOLOSSEUMSeven Wonders of the World - Colosseum
MACCHU PICCHUMacchu Picchu - Seven Wonders of the WorldPETRAPetra, Jordan - New7WondersCHICHEN ITZANew Seven Wonders - Chichen ItzaCHRIST THE REDEEMERWhat are the Seven Wonders of the World?

Photo: Veronika Kovalenko via Shutterstock

Photo: garanga via Shutterstock

 Photo: garanga via Shutterstock

 Olympian Zeus in the sculptured antique art of Quatremère de Quincy. 1815. (Photo: [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)

 Reconstruction of the Temple of Artemis in Istanbul Turkey (Photo: Zee Prime at cs.wikipedia [GFDLCC-BY-SA-3.0or CC BY-SA 2.5], from Wikimedia Commons)

 Photo: Petr Kopka via Shutterstock

 Photo: Cezary Wojtkowski via Shutterstock
 Photo: Antonio Rodrigues Peyneau via Shutterstock

Photo: ruslan p via Shutterstock

Photo: Erkki Makkonen via Shutterstock

Photo: Alejandro Roa via Shutterstock

Photo: Rodrigo S Coelho via Shutterstock

Photo: muratart via Shutterstock

Photo: Prasit Rodphan via Shutterstock

Photo: Blue Planet Studio via Shutterstock

Photo: IvanGrabilin via Shutterstock

Photo: Joel Shawn via Shutterstock

Photo: marktucan via Shutterstock

Photo: zjtmath via Shutterstock


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